A Novel Scintigraphic Approach for the Detection and Evaluation of ...
There was no consistent cough reflex to clear laryngeal penetration. Follow-up laryngoscopy revealed an oedematous larynx, mobile vocal cords and no sign of .
Pharyngeal paralysis due to botulinum toxin injection
ated with coughing of 24 hours duration. Three days . Examination revealed a fit man with left torticollis. His voice . Indirect laryngoscopy revealed normal mobile vocal cords. . Tsui, J. K., Fross, D. F., Calne, S. and Calne, D. B. (1987) Local .
Stridor due to drug-induced hypokalaemic alkalosis
as due, basically, to two groups of conditions: these are either local, such as foreign . Indirect laryngoscopy revealed a rather narrow . appearance and mobile. Any stimulus in the phar- yngeal region, e.g. a bout of coughing and even the .

Imaging Quiz Case 1
Flexible direct laryngoscopy revealed nor- mal, mobile vocal cords, with evidence of subglottic nar- rowing at the posterior wall, . she had a coughing episode at home and became acutely cyanotic. . the local hospital. She was unable to be .
Acute pharyngoesophageal dysphagia secondary to spontaneous ...
a nonproductive cough followed by the acute onset of dysphagia. . for 80% of instances and local structural lesions consti- tuting the . Fiber-optic laryngoscopy revealed a normal glottis and base of . true cords were mobile and intact.
Tracheoesophageal fistula: New option in management
Hospital, Chandigarh with the complaint of cough, regurgitation. & vomiting after . Colostomy bag was in situ. Local examination revealed a tracheostomy scar. Oral cavity and. Oropharynx were unremarkable. Indirect Laryngoscopy revealed secretions in both pyrifom fossae and both the cords were mobile. A sip of water .
Laryngeal tuberculosis: A Report Of Three Cases - ISPUB
On admission, the patient looked thin and distressed by persistent cough and hoarseness. . Indirect laryngoscopy revealed a diffuse laryngeal swelling as well as thickening . The thru and false cords on the left side were normal and mobile.
There was no history of dysphagia, pain, cough or haemoptysis. . Indirect laryngoscopy revealed large, smooth surfaced mass involving right vocal cord and obliterating the glottis. The vocal cord was not mobile. Both the . Follow up of the patient did not reveal any local or regional recurrence 36 months after the operation.
Tuberculosis of the upper respiratory tract
ducing a local allergic reaction in the parenchyma of the lung and involved . ness, cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, dysphagia, odynophagia, odynophonia . Direct laryngoscopy revealed the right vocal cord to be passively mobile. The left .
Local Anesthetic Administration for Awake Direct Laryngoscop ...
Five minutes after the local anesthetic was administered, laryngoscopy was . the ease of visualization, revealed a trend (P < 0.08) toward less coughing and .
Ward Round  Cough, painful throat and progressive hoarseness of ...
had been prescribed by a local health centre in his area. . The lymph nodes were mobile, not . Laryngoscopy revealed a mass located in the posterior part of .
Clinical aspects of spasmodic dysphonia
falsetto mode, laugh, cough, or cry normally and without any difficulty. . direct laryngoscopy, revealed no structural . the deliberately paralysed one; because the mobile vocal fold . local anaesthetic about the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
french and indian war in pennsylvania: Green Bay, Wright State âoverâ 123½ (-110)