gypsy queen of meridian ms

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Kelly Mitchell Gypsy Queen, Meridian MS | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Aug 14, 2005 . The death of a Gypsy Queen near Meridian in 1915 resulted in the chance location of a Gypsy burial ground here and added another dash of .

Kelly Mitchell, Queen of Gypsies (Romas); in Meridian, MS | Flickr ...
Feb 6, 2005 . Queen Kelly Mitchell died in 1915 while giving birth at a camp in Coatopa, Alabama (which is west of Demopolis). Her family brought her to .

A royal burial Âť Columns Âť Meridian Star
Apr 12, 2007 . By Anne McKee / guest columnist The Meridian Star Thu Apr 12, 2007, 11:49 PM CDT . The year is 1915 and the sudden death of beloved Gypsy Queen . Queen Flora Mitchell, Mike Wilson Mitchell, leader of the Mississippi .

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Meridian, MS - Graves of the King and Queen of the Gypsies
Jan 1, 2011 . Visit reports, news, maps, directions and info on Graves of the King and Queen of the Gypsies in Meridian, MS.

ROSE HILL BOOK - Lauderdale County, MS Archives & History, Inc.
Feb 6, 2012 . A look at the lives of the Gypsy King and Queen who are buried at Rose Hill Cemetery in Meridian, MS, and their families. Information gathered .

Queen City Gypsies | Bellydancing queens of Meridian, Mississippi
Feb 25, 2012 . Queen City Gypsies celebrates our first decade of bellydance in Meridian June 9, 2012 with our 10 Year Anniversary Show with special guest .

King of the Gypsies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the 1978 movie with the same title, see King of the Gypsies (film). . (owned " The Queen") and footballer who lived at "The Gypsy Palace" off the Green, . Who had lived in Meridian, Mississippi, was chosen as King after Emil Mitchell's .

Attractions in Meridian, MS - City of Meridian, MS
It also contains the graves of the King and Queen of the Gypsies, Emil and Kelly Mitchell. Over 20000 people were in Meridian for the funeral of the Queen.

Queen City Gypsies | Facebook
Queen City Gypsies | Bellydancing queens of Meridian, Mississippi. queencitygypsies.com. “Improve Your Improv” Workshop - Be able to improv in various .

The Park Wife: The Gypsy in Me
Feb 27, 2012 . Growing up in Meridian, MS, I heard many tales of a band of gypsies that had traveled there to bury their Queen. In 1915, the sudden death of .

Mississippi History and Facts
This is for the State of Mississippi, not the Mississippi River. . The King and Queen of the Gypsies are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Meridian. The 4-H Club .

Business Blog Âť Ms. cemetery first North American home to ...
Mar 15, 2012 . Ms. cemetery first North American home to Eurasian sedge plant . The Rose Hill Cemetery in Meridian is not only the final resting place of the renowned Gypsy Queen, it is also the first site in North America where a particular .

Dark Destinations - Rose Hill Cemetery, Meridian, Mississippi
Jun 2, 2007 . The first King and Queen of the American Gypsies, Emil and Kelly Mitchell are . Locations - R > Rose Hill Cemetery, Meridian, Mississippi .

Mississippi Trivia
. and Kelly Mitchell, the King and Queen of all the Gypsies in the United States. . Mississippi University for Women graduate, Ms. Neill James, of Meridian, has .

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