Anticipatory Sets - Lesson Plan Anticipatory Sets
Anticipatory sets are the part of lesson plans that activate background knowledge for . Anticipatory Sets are the second step of a well-written 8-step lesson plan.
Madeline Hunter's ITIP model
(Anticipatory Set) Motivate instruction by focusing the learning task, . and skills, emphasizing clear explanations, frequent use of examples and/or diagrams, .
How to Create an Anticipatory Set |
Examples of an anticipatory set are stories related to the objective, question and answer sessions or journal writing. When students participate in a learning .

Anticipatory Ideas Set to Teach |
Questions used in an anticipatory set should be open ended and relate to the lesson. Examples include, "What do you know about ..." or "Do you remember a .
Lesson Plan - Spend, Save, Invest or Donate (9-12)
Day One: Four Things You Can Do With Money Anticipatory Set: Display a $20 bill and ask the students what economic choices they would make with $20 if it .
How to Raise Test Scores Without Spending Money - Read First
Not only is the money provided by the Federal Government inadequate to fund the program, but districts and schools . This is another example of 'forward teaching. . Eliminate the practice of introducing each lesson with an anticipatory set.
Lesson Plans ÂAnticipatory Set: What makes a person successful ...
Begin the class with asking the questions from the Anticipatory Set. Allow students several minutes to raise hands and give examples of traits that make a . since her parents didn't have enough money to send both of their children to college, .
Here is a math lesson involving rounding at the grocery store ...
Anticipatory Set: Discuss with students what rounding is, and when they would use it. Get the students thinking about rounding by having them give examples of .
Economics 3.9 - Opportunity Costs Lesson Revision
Jan 6, 2012 . Materials/Technology and Advanced Preparation  Class set of the book ÂYou . and Learning Sequence Introduction/Anticipatory Set  Pause during the reading to . 3 examples of currency exchange for goods and services .
Lesson Plan - Thinking About Money (2nd grade)
Students will compare two very different approaches to moneyÂsaving for a special purchase and . spend, goal. give examples of short-term and long-term goals. compare the use of money in two literature stories . Anticipatory Set: . Set the listening purpose by informing the children that they will hear a story about a boy .
Lesson Plan: Working with Percentage Increase / Decrease - Yahoo ...
Mar 18, 2008 . 6) Work on example problems in class (using the anticipatory set example) Allow students to attempt to discover the best or easiest methods to .
Anticipatory Set & Facilitation: . Examples: writing a lesson, meeting with parents, grading . to earn more money; it is not guaranteed and depends on many .
Anticipatory Management
This article describes specific anticipatory management techniques that you can . For example, GM failed to heed signals in the late 1960s of a potential . for the countries it is targeting, such as a revolution or currency devaluation. . Instead, an outsider presented the case for a positive link between the two and set off a .
sociocultural influences on english language learners: Green Bay, Wright State âoverâ 123½ (-110)