country with most freedoms

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Freedom in the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Country ratings from Freedom House's Freedom in the World 2011 survey, . rights and civil liberties in each state and territory, on a scale from 1 (most free) to 7 .

List of freedom indices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Free Existence Drug Freedom Index is a quantitative index which rates the legality of drug usage, possession, and sales in most countries across the world.

Freedom in the World, 2007 — Infoplease.com
Since 1978, Freedom House has published Freedom in the World, an annual . Most and Least Livable Countries: UN Human Development Index, 2006 .

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World's freest nations: how to measure liberty. - Slate Magazine
Apr 21, 2011. the most prosperous country in the world, if we're the freest country in . in the world where you have the most opportunities and freedoms.

Freedom in the World 2010 - Freedom House


Israel: the country with the most freedom and democracy in the ...
Mar 31, 2011 . Israel is the subject, not just of irrational worldwide hatred, but of a campaign of mass misinformation of which Hitler's propaganda chief .

Freedom Index : Find Freedom!
Jun 9, 2011 . Freedom Index. Finally, a Tool for Identifying the Most Free Country in the World. "The man who knows what freedom means will find a way to .

10 Most Censored Countries - Reports - Committee to Protect ...
May 2, 2006 . North Korea tops CPJ's list of “10 Most Censored Countries”... . In issuing its report to mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, CPJ called .

Economic Freedom of the World
Countries that favor free choice — economic freedom and civil and political liberties . freedom score rose from 5.55 (out of 10) in 1980 to 6.70 in the most recent .

Visa restrictions: No visa required | The Economist
Who has most freedom to travel? Aug 25th 2010. Tweet. THE ability to visit a foreign country without the cost and hassle of obtaining a visa is a welcome bonus .

Hong Kong Economy: Facts, Data, & Analysis on Economic Freedom
Economic freedom report on Hong Kong including facts, data and analysis on its . Hong Kong compares to another country using any of the measures in the Index. . remains one of the world's most competitive financial and business centers.

Press Freedom Index 2011-2012 - Reporters Without Borders
Freedom of opinion, like all the other freedoms, does not exist under the . The highest non-European country in the index is an African one and in fact it is in the .

What country offers the most freedom to it's citizens
It depends on how you measure freedom, the country with the most economic freedom is Hong Kong. In Europe most countrys are more relaxed in regard to .

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